EMERGENCY DENTISTRY - alpine dentistry, UT


Know Who To Call In A Dental Emergency!

When a dental emergency happens, you’ll feel scared, anxious, and most likely, confused. Who do you call during a such emergency? Fortunately, knowing ahead of time is half the battle, and our team of experts can help. If you, a family member, or a friend is experiencing a dental emergency, call us right away! Alpine Dentistry serves patients in Alpine, Highland, Lehi, Cedar Hills, Draper, and Sandy, UT.

Experienced Experts In Emergency Dentistry

When a dental emergency comes up, only one thing matters. Being able to get in touch with your dentist to have the emergency dealt with.

 Whether you need a tooth extracted, a crown placed, or even a knocked-out tooth replaced, we can help!

Emergency Treatments To Restore Your Smile

It’s true that dental emergencies aren’t the same as life-threatening emergencies. However, they can certainly feel that way when you’re in pain, bleeding, or scared. Our team of staff is well-trained to handle dental emergencies of all kinds. You can rely on us to get a quick grasp of your emergency and create a plan of action to fix it.

Our Alpine Dentistry experts are certified to administer IV sedation as well. This means that if you, your friend, or your loved one is in pain, we can soothe it right away. Instead of suffering, you’ll sleep through any emergency procedures.

Time is always of the essence when it comes to dental emergencies. If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, be sure to call us at Alpine Dentistry right away.

Alpine Dentistry

Your Emergency Treatment Team Awaits...

If you notice that you are experiencing some of the signs please make an appointment to see us as soon as you can.

Don’t hesitate to call or come see us if you or someone in your family is experiencing a dental emergency. CALL US.

We serve residents in Alpine, Highland, Lehi, Cedar Hills, Draper and Sandy.

We are here to help.