Dr. Aaron A Jensen
Dr. Jensen was born in California and raised in Southern Utah. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Utah after serving an LDS mission in Oklahoma. He earned his DDS from Case Western University in 2001.
Serving patients and seeing their lives changed is the reason why Dr. Jensen is loved dearly in our community.
Dr. Jensen enjoys a good round of golf and is avid outdoorsman who loves spending time outdoors with his wife and children.

Annie Lopez - Office Manager
Annie was born and raised in Herriman, Utah. She had six siblings: five brothers and one sister. Fun fact!!! Annie is the only one out of her older siblings to graduate high school and attend college. She went to Sierra college in Rocklin California and studied marriage/family counselling. Annie’s future goals are to become an FBI Agent, but for now she loves investigating insurance here at Alpine Dentistry. Annie is the newest team member here at Alpine and enjoys all the new experiences insurance throws her way!! She also enjoys her new co-workers and the willingness to work as a team.

Amber Jensen - Dental Assistant
Amber grew up in West Jordan, Utah. The youngest of three girls, Amber admires her parents who taught her to go after everything and anything she wanted!! Amber served her LDS mission in Tampa, Florida where she met her now husband. She loves her job because she says, “I get to meet and talk to new people everyday” and through these people, she learns something new, and it teaches her to be a better person.